Release Notes: --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.10 Fix so does not sometimes add extra space at the end of the file path name. --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.9 Added test for bad sample rate in MP3 file. Create Play Link for all file types. Removed image of console --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.8 Added scanning and searching for SDS patch files. --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.7 Fixed SQL script error during install process. php.ini and config files are not "read only" --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.6 Changed the installer for Windows 7 compatability Added new script "My Documents\AudioBase3 SQL\AB3_MYSQL_Update_user.sql" MYSQL users should run this SQL script to update the user permissions as follows: On the Audiobase server, open the SQL Query Analyzer. Username: root Password: you will need to know this. In the Analyser, open the AB3_MYSQL_Update_user.sql file found in the "My Documents\AudioBase3 SQL" folder. Click the execute query button to update the user permissions. --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.5 Fixed bugs in searches using ~xxx (NOT xxx) Fixed scanning bug: .aif files were not working --------------------------------------- Version 3.5.4 search speed up for search results > 250 fixed broken MSSQL searching if results > 250 and results < 4250